What are action support, action function and action poller used for?
Which type of tables used this buffer?
Explain how big is the universe?
Define a stack?
What is an http server?
Explain the configuration details of blaze ds?
What does next statement do in perl?
Explain what is spy satellite?
Is shell scripting useful?
What are the types of active directory deployment that server supported in exchange server 2010 deployment?
What is didreceivememorywarning method in you viewcontroller?
How to justify this statement ??? "Capacitors in series provide less capacitance but higher voltage breakdown rating for the combination"
Case Study:- Assume you are an insurance consultant dealing with an umbrella of insurance products of various insurance companies. you have been approached by the Dean of college to give presentation on the insurance titled "life insurance fulfils the needs of aperson". The presentation should include the various needs of person at different stages of life. you have been rrequested to include sufficient example to make the presentation more reachable.
Can you run linux on a phone?
1.give the details about WHEN OTHER. 2. how many form are available in evaluate.