i have paid P-TAX ( employee ) in EC code & P- TAX ( COMPANY)paid in RC code.how can i solve this poblem?
2924Post New DCB Bank Taxation Interview Questions
What is the syntax of "nested if statement" in shell scripting?
Write a C++ Program to check whether a number is prime number or not?
You created a predictive model of a quantitative outcome variable using multiple regressions. What are the steps you would follow to validate the model?
Are there any settings that would help a wordperfect user learn ms word?
When would you use css float?
Which type of diagphram use in costic line,DM water line,natural gas line,oil line?
How do you make use of arrays in python?
What opens an exe file?
How we are using this function?
Are you concerned that older browsers don't support javascript and thus exclude a set of web users? Individual users?
Define the types of validation?
What are the core features of automation anywhere?
Are you applying to other companies as well? If so, which are those?
Which is better? Collagen injections, Botox injections, Dermalogen, Autologen, or Gortex. Are any of these permanent? Are there any major drawbacks to any of these modalities?
state the disadvantages of carbon filament???