Explain the interpretation in python?
What is the 'named constructor idiom'?
Why should I care about search engine marketing?
Hi Friends, Would be great if you can provide the Model Question paper, Web site link or any reference s. Thanks & Regards, Byzoor,
Explain how to apply style elements in a silverlight project?
What is the use of document object?
what is datawarehouse?
Mention the execution process for managed code?
What does the joint point denote?
Explain the concept of resilient distributed dataset (rdd).
What two things constitute a tcp ip socket?
How can client computer accounts be added to the active directory?
What is iron ferite?
What is the purpose of a footer?
hi frends this is bala raju from pune.i want to know diff between 4.7ee and ecc 5.0.if possible give me brief explanation.this question was asked in EDS(tele interview) in pune bye.