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3 21565Post New CyberTech Call Centre AllOther Interview Questions
How to validate form data in spring web mvc framework?
How does dictionary work in c#?
When we should use @@error?
What is namespace in ado.net?
Differentiate between delete() and softdeletes().
what is the maximum number of fields under a record format of physical file?
Explain rtti.
What are the auto-response rules?
What is application scope in jsp?
What is the effect of atmospheric pressure & Temp; on efficiency of motor? Why NGR(Neutral Grounding Resistor) is used in 132/11 KV Transformer & how? What is the use of Auto T/F in Grid Station?
How to create nested web page in html?
What is access group and access roles and difference between them?
How is xsl different from cascading style sheets? Why is a new stylesheet language needed?
Process technology? What package was used and how did you model the package/system? What parasitic effects were considered?
What are the types of provident funds?