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CyberSoft Accounting AllOther Interview Questions
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Why provisions are made & what will be the Journal entry for different types of provisions.

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CyberSoft Accounting AllOther Interview Questions

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What is pagination in salesforce?


in api coa contains only process impurities and in product coa contains degradation impurities?


What is a controlling area? How is it related to a company code? : co- general controlling


Explain general format of matrices in r?


Explain the Interface/Infrastructure of blue prism?


What is lazy initialization?


Explain how many message nodes are possible for a database?


You want to change a Application Server name and the WebServer which file will you     modify and where?


How to insert a copyright symbol in your webpage?


What impacts will the Internet of Things (IoT) have on Transportation Sector?


Can a jsp page instantiate a serialized bean?


How would you do a left and right join in r?


Can we overload constructor in python?


Your account is locked and your administrator has forgotten the password. What would you do?


A prime number is a number which is divisible only by itself and 1. Examples of the first few primes are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11. Consider writing a program which can generate prime numbers for you. Your program should read in and set a maximum prime to generate and a minimum number to start with when looking for primes. This program should be able to perform the following tasks: 1. Read the maximum number from user (keyboard input) to look for primes. The program should not return any primes greater than this number. 2. Read the minimum number from user (keyboard input) to look for primes. The program should not return any primes less than this number. 3. Generate and print out every prime number between the maximum prime and minimum number specified by the user.