1. How to disable search help on selection screen? 2.How to highlight particular row ALV grid? 3.What is use of At selection screen on field? 4.How to use performance tunning ? 5.How to developed Report? 6. I create custome transprant table to addeda records in SE11 we could add multiple record at a time and maintain the transperant table in SE93?what kind of view generated in background?
2 18107Post New Cyber Technology SAP ALE IDocs Interview Questions
What is an AdaGrad algorithm in machine learning?
Explain the post & get method?
why cakephp have two vendor folder?
What is the meaning of additive costs in sap and why is it required?
What is the rank function in excel?
Is c++ or c# better?
Explain the difference between cathode ray and beta ray?
What are the limitations of mongodb?
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION FACTORIAL_1(factstr varchar2 ) 2 RETURN NUMBER AS 3 new_str VARCHAR2(4000) := factstr||'*' ; 4 fact number := 1 ; 5 BEGIN 6 7 WHILE new_str IS NOT NULL 8 LOOP 9 fact := fact * TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(new_str,1,INSTR(new_str,'*')-1)); 10 new_str := substr( new_str,INSTR(new_str,'*')+1); 11 END LOOP; 12 13 RETURN fact; 14 15 END; explanation Above program?
Define peak inverse voltage?
. What is Electrical Life & Mechanical Life of Circuit Breaker? 2. What is Electrial Life & Mechanical Life of Magnetic Contactor? 3. What is RCD, RCCB & RCBO? 4. What is the Between defferance of RCD, RCCB & RCBO?
How to merge two dictionaries in a single expression?
How you can perform spike testing in jmeter?
What is callback function example?