How much gain in performance will I get if I write my number crunching routines in C instead of Visual Basic?
Is linux owned by ibm?
How do you stay updated with the latest digital marketing trends?
When Start Service Tax Deducted? How Many Percent is deduct? Service Tax deposited Date in Current 2011.
What do you mean by the assertion in selenium?
Can a spark cause a fire?
What is tempdb database? : SQL Server Architecture
Is angularjs a framework?
what are Appenders in Log4j?
Give example scenarios when an application goes into inactive state?
In MapReduce how to change the name of the output file from part-r-00000?
How will you create bootstrap alerts?
What is synchronization in blackberry
We have two diffferent bank accounts in our System that is icici bank & citi bank but the vendor wants us to pay him 100000 from two different accounts that is from axis bank and union bank so how we should configure in our sap system so that we can pay to vendor through App.
Amplitude modulation is basically a A Summing of two signals B Multiplication of two signals C Subtraction of two signals D Non-linear process