The father of the Indian renaissance was (a) Vivekananda (b) Dayananda Saraswati (c) Raja Ram Mohan Roy (d) Rabindranath Tagore
5 32432aptitutude and technical questions asked in HPCL MECHANICAL ENGG TEST PAPER. IF ANY ONE HAS SAMPLE PAPERS .PLEASE SEND ME ON MY E-MAIL ID . plz
26921.if v wanna transfer an employee from branch A to branch B with new PERNR then how can v do that? 2.if v transfer am employee from Maharashtra to Delhi in the middle of the month then how v do professional tax to him? 3.what is meant by Split? 4.what is difference between IT8 and IT14, Why we maintain Advance in 14infotype, not in 8infotype? 5.What is allowance grouping? what is the use of it? 6.Use of OM, is it important to run Payroll, if yes why and how?
3 6804Does home used kerosene which is available in blue color can change its color after keeping number of years (say 8-10 years)? If yes, then in which color will it turned to? Will it change to yellow color or transparent color? Please reply with suitable technical suggestion/approach. Its an important question which was asked. I need a very strong technical reply. Please help me.
1300Post New BP Interview Questions
How can one know if the apache web server is running?
Explain views in codeigniter?
Name some of the most common actuarial software used in industry?
Explain nested stored procedure. Syntax and an example for create nested stored procedure?
Will a dc motor actually produce voltage if it is spun in reverse?
What does ruby name refer to?
What is detailed category in configuration?
Are you alright with reporting to your junior at work?
How to get console url of an openstack instance?
You are the project manager for Zippy Tees. Your company has decided to outsource the manufacturing of miniature bears to be attached to your trendy T-shirts. Which of the following is true? A. A good product description is all that's required. The project manager will supply this to the vendor. B. The contract can serve as the project charter. The product description will be included in the contract. C. The project manager should write the project charter because the project manager will be managing the vendor portion of this project as well. D. The vendor should write the project charter as they are responsible for manufacturing the bears.
Explain when should you use .net web forms over mvc?
What is difference between product and item?
What is the use of the aura:method tag in lightning ? : salesforce lightning component
Explain the Usage of web.config
what is piggy backing?