scooter fuel is under conveyance and car fuel is under car running & maintenance exp.. Is that right
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Explain few examples of RDBMS?
Explain the difference between abstract class and interface in java?
Tell me how do you calculate shaft power?
what is snowflake schema? : Sas-di
Explain can the sizeof operator be used to tell the size of an array passed to a function?
procedure is for backing up Windows SBS 2008 to a Network attached Storage device
how to find that a file has been completely downloaded or not? I told that "download Complete" pop up. but he told the tool doesn't recognize the pop up
Which of the data augmentation technique would you prefer for an object recognition problem?
How to know the time taken for particular report execution?
I have 7500 rows. I need all rows in single reports. Which type of prompt we have used retrieving all rows and show in a report? We have dynamical queries q1, q2, q3, q4, q5. If customer selects the particular, query that only show in execution report. In case it may more then one, how do you execute the particular query item in report page? What are the difference bt OLDP and OLAP?
What is singleton class in java and how can we make a class singleton?
Is wordpress easier than joomla?
What is an edt and base enum ?
Tell me when laravel was launched?
How you can update memcached when data changes?