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Torque Infotech Interview Questions
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How many ways can we get the value of current session id?

3 21995

what is interface in php? how it is use?

10 45220

what is the current salary package in India for a PHP & MySQL programmer who has 3 years experience

127 208021

1. Write a function to swap two values ? $a = 10; $b = 20; echo $a, $b; swap(); // If u want u can pass parameters echo $a, $b; // It should print 20 , 10

14 35662

How can we submit a form without a submit button?

23 83797

What are the advantages of PHP over HTML?

11 32016

what is php stands for?

23 25479

What are the security measures we have to take for our site not to hack by others.

3 8213

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Torque Infotech Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

We will make you work 14 hours a day and every private company will do that. So, if you can't work for so long hours, you are at a wrong place because you are not going to get your 'ME' time. Will you be able to cope up with that?


Implement a 2 I/P and gate using Tran gates?


How do you check the reliability of a measure that is being used for a multi - item scale


How do I find the sql server version?


how can i pass a "automation script" as a parameter in a function give me need full suggestion thank inadvance


Device an algorithm for weiler-atherton polygon clipping, where the clipping window can be any specified polygon


What do you mean by extractor and pooled tables?


How do you do marketing analysis for a new and unknown product?


In Third Party sale process, I am getting an error- in MIRO(Error No. M8889-A/c 893010 has been set as not relevant for Tax, but when I want to change the Account Assignment in ME21 it is taking only G/L A/C 893010 and refusing all other G/L A/C's by giving 2 errors. They are ME045-G/L A/c 39010 cannot be used(please correct)and ME038-No direct posting can be made to G/L A/C 34000. Experts please share your knowledge to solve this problem. Warm Regards.


What is mqtt client?


What are the no-load losses for the 11000/415V transformer with the following rated capacity? 1.1500 kVA 2. 2000 kVA 3. 2500 kVA 4. 3000 kVA


What is difference between innerhtml and value?


How much capital are you raising? - Venture Capitalists


How can you avoid direct code against the odata source?


What do you mean by traffic profile?