What are the types of testing that apply in web applications and not in client/server application (Ex. Broken links i.e there in web, not there in client/server) and also the vice versa
3 6231What is the difference between Monkey testing an Ad-hoc testing (If ur answer is same, then why we need two names)
6 38812Suppose,u have written 10 test cases for an application,but ur developer is not satisfied wht u wrote,then how will u justify him that ur test cases are correct?
2 6084Post New CFC Manual Testing Interview Questions
Tell me about your training experience?
How electron present in a shell paired or un paired. How they live in shell because they have opposite charges?
What is variable example?
Explain the design for rcc multi-storied building?
What is intern method in java?
How do I extract text from a string in excel?
alignment formulae for any two shafts for shim correction
what is silver light when will we use silver light,
What is qualification deficiency? How will you come to know that a person does not have certain skills/ qualifications?
Which interface does java.util.hashtable implement?
What is intrusive testing?
Explain difference between urlencode and urldecode?
Explain the meaning of equipment master?
Name databases supported by laravel.
What is the main function of helpers used in ruby on rails?