void main() { static int i = 5; if(--i) { main(); printf("%d ",i); } } what would be output of the above program and justify your answer? }
5 29091Post New C DAC C Interview Questions
What does create schema do?
What is a set in idms? What pointers are required, what are possible? How may sets be ordered?
What is difference between aggregate and analytic function?
What does 0.125 inch stand for in 0.125 inch npt thread?
What is meant by the command task?
How to calculate concret slab? W l t(4mts*5*2fts) ratio m25 grade pls tell me procedure
Specify what the information segments utilized by hadoop are?
What are linear and non-linear systems?
how can i create report in abap to insert data in table pa0002 using insert command
Explain what does the void function and object contain in actionscript?
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Is sorted c++?
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