A is sister of B. C is brother of D. D is sister of A. How is B related to D? (a) Brother (b) Brother or Sister (c) Sister (d) Data inadequate (e) None of these
9 13906Post New Brother General Aptitude Interview Questions
Which structure used for M100 grade of concrete
Write a program which is required to process the time of a clock in hours and minutes, entered from the keyboard. With this program, there are two requirements for any data entered by a user: 1. The data must be of the correct type (in this case, two ints). 2. The data must be in the correct range: this means that, for the minutes, negative numbers and any number above 59 must be rejected; for the hours, negative numbers and any number above 23 must be rejected. Output error message for invalid data input. Output the time one and a half hour after the time input. i.e. Hour: 22 Min: 32 One and a half hour after 22:32 is 00:02
What do you mean by roles based access control?
why power not passes in plastic and rubber material
What is html border?
How to create multiple nested resources?
How do you set up a plan version?
What's the difference between udp and tcp?
Please give me a fair bit of idea regarding the FAQs in interviews.
What does executequery return?
Which was the first company to be listed in NASDAQ?
Why are salt and sugar used in the production of dried meat and dried fruits?
Can you provide a list of layout management panels and when you will use them?
What is friends keyword?
Explain liquidity group ratios.