List down various approaches for machine learning?
what is undisclosed profit? explain
Can you delete data element, which is being used by table fields?
What are sql functions? Describe in brief different types of sql functions?
What causes damage to impellers?
What are the types of messages?
Can you tell some important benefits that users can have from the slt replication in sap hana?
What kinds of decisions are most difficult for you at Barnardos?
How do you sort filenames in a directory?
What filters are executed in the end?
What is the height of a binary tree?
State and prove sufficient condition for differentiability of the function f(x,y).
Hi i m B.E. In elect. & comm. I m workin in bio mass plant from 6 mnths as inst. Engg. but now i m in dept. Of operation as shift engg...which is best operation or inst. 4 me? M confusd..plz help and reply me..
Explain hash table?
Does sprintf put null character?