Can I use sql azure as a backup with log shipping or database mirroring?
Define template?
How does callback work in java?
I am working on PPR process to print checks. Currently the checks are printing for each supplier, supplier site and payment method group. My requirement is the invoice level one DFF is available (like A and B are the input values). Please let me know how include this DFF at invoice grouping level.
in after report trigger if you don't write Srw.user_exit(Fnd_user exit) what it will do it will stop report execution or it will just not free the memory
Why constructor has no return type?
What is the function of nameserver?
How do you update a pivot table?
When we write a= load …, what does 'a' called?
What is the goal of the clustering?
Define Storage-as-a-Service?
How can I create an identical binary executable in Delphi?
Double click function on the lists, identifying the line selected by the user on the list?
What causes statelessness?
Tell me which has more efficiency: Diesel engine or Petrol engine.