What is difference between first and single in linq?
What was the requirement of IDoc in your project? How it was working?
I told my process chains nearly 600 are there he asked me how can u monitor I told him I will see in rspcm and bwccms he asked is there any third party tools is there to see? Any tools are there to see tell me what it is
Name some features of a secondary immune response that distinguish it from primary immune response
How to Run 16-bit Delphi on Windows NT4?
What is the starting oracle error number? What is meant by forward declaration in functions?
plz send me karnataka bank previous exam question papers for officers post,my email id is psreedharmahesh@gmail.com thanks in advance....
Can you convert xml to csv?
What are the uses of findelement() and findelements()?
If you get less number of quotation for RFx, what can be done to fix this?
Do lists start at 0 or 1 java?
What do you understand by data transfer between technical objects?
what are the system privileges that are required by a schema owner (user) to create a trigger on a table?
Differentiate between ale links and idoc links
Difference between Item categories or what is variable size item or non stock item.