Which satellite channel uses the adline, Knowing is everything ? (B) Star (A) BBC World (C) Sony (D) Zee
3 7905Post New BBC General Aptitude Interview Questions
What is the chemical composition of the substance used as feed horn? And how many types of feedor are there?
How Much Do You Depreciate An Asset And When?
how can a cgi check whether an ifs object is available?
What is module in angular?
How do I change my incoming and outgoing mail server in outlook?
How to send a object and its value to the garbage collection?
Give the difference between the println method and sqrt method?
What is the self-service portal?
How do I link spreadsheets in excel?
Explain dependency injection and its types?
What is a test harness?
What is local storage?
Can you name any other accounting application?
Why do we use aop in spring?
What are commit and rollback in sql?