Post New Bangladesh Bank SAP FI-CO (Financial Accounting & Controlling) Interview Questions
Android mapactivity is?
Explain good design?
What is the use of the required attribute in html5?
what is diff between idocs,bdc,rfc and bapi. give real time answer
Tell me why did you select accounting as your profession?
What is storage model? : Entity framework
Difference interview managed solution vs unmanaged solution.
Is flexbox part of css3?
Explain the programming features of R?
What is the role of the transaction manager and session?
please tell me, how i clear the objective test? when i studied form the one book after i solved the objective ,that time i solved that qes. but if i tried solve objective form the other book then i could not solved these que.
How to execute stored procedure in select statement sql server?
Write a program to show the functionality of doget and dopost method?
Is there anybody who knows how to create a palindrome program without using string functions just conditional statements?
How do you decide to create a new ngmodule?