There were a lot of questions asked, so I will list the topic (and add a what is "topic" and know pros/cons). Extreme programming, what is a transaction, various SDLC design approaches, what is a namespace, define a good test case, what is a stored proc, webservice? design patterns? linker? compiler? access modifiers? stack vs. queue? arrays vs. linked lists? sorting algorithms? recursion? OOP principles?
1659Post New Avanade C Sharp Interview Questions
Why in metering Ct for ammeters ct secondary side is grounded for each Ct but not in case of CBCT (Core balance current transformer)..kindly some1 highlights the it because net flux is zero?
Is pages a good word processor?
What are the different components you should consider while defining a responsibility in oracle apps?
How to use subqueries with the exists operators in ms sql server?
What is blue prism work queue?
What are 3 operating systems?
What is abi stability?
How will enable cd burning service in 2003?
What is empty () in php?
How the bearing numbers are allocated?
What is difference between spring and struts?
How is an s-box value of AES can be modified? How is it done?
one screen page,that contains file , browse , update and cancel buttons.when we browse a file it should get update otherwise it should go to previous page.write negative test case for that.
Briefly explain the relationship between sales organizations and company codes.
What is an inconsistent dependency?