Where does the entry of TDS payable, sale tax payable, service tax payable will appear in Balance sheet or profit or loss a/c?
12 37847Post New SGI Taxation Interview Questions
How do you compile java?
What is an expensive query?
What is lexi design pattern?
What is difference between synchronous and asynchronous in web request in iOS operating system?
Define join types.
Why XML editor is needed instead of Notepad?
Why generics are used in c#?
What are your views on social networking sites?
How to make the folder comparison to show just added and deleted files?
Where's the model?
When to use coalesce and repartition in spark?
How smart identification works in qtp ?
Can we export child business unit security roles?
we are a manufacturer unit can we purchases of building material agst form "C" or vat C4?
What is conversion optimization?