I have 14 itmes in a drop down that are associated with an account And these items change with different accounts I want to be able to define it by and index number or any other id so if I enter 2 in my Global excel sheet it selects the 2nd item from the drop down - is this possible?
5 13196i am a begnner so am learning Error handling :tried using Recovery manager didnt work i want to be able to handle errors , e.g. if while running the test the folwoing does not show up then how can i use the If then else and goto next step in the test, as in many scenarios it does not show up Browser("The Shopping Channel -").Page("The Shopping Channel -_8").Image("easy pay").Click
1552Hi all I need QA automation testing interview questions. pls help me in this topic. The interview is related to verification & validation of web based products. ( i want questions based on this topic ) where can i find interview questions realated to this? This is urgent requriment for me. pls share your inputs. any kinda help appreciaed. warm regards Lina.
1823Post New Rogers Interview Questions
What is Overfitting? And how do you ensure you’re not overfitting with a model?
What are constructor and destructor in PHP?
Which is Better home cooked food or outside food ?
How many points do you need to overcall 1nt?
How can we modify the form validation of drupal?
How to minimize the eddy current losses?
What is a credit control area in sap ?
Tell me what is the standard of cotton yarn count?
Explain the concepts and capabilities of garbage collection feature of Ruby?
When we collapse an infocube, is the consolidated data stored in the same infocube or is it stored in the new infocube?
Why we use pneumatic instrument.
How do you ensure the structural integrity and safety of an aircraft during the design and manufacturing process?
what are the key resposibilities of Team Leader
Which of the recommended practices to be performed in the ejbpassivate() method of a stateful session bean? : BEA Weblogic
What is the address format in wcf?