What is database replicaion? What are the different types of replication you can set up in SQL Server?
5 24101i want to create procedure for create table in sql server 2005 for example create procedure create_table @table varchar(20) as create @table( id int, name char(20) ) but it will get error what is solution?
5 6845Post New Aptech SQL Server Interview Questions
How do I create a fillable field in word?
What is logistic regression?
What are different types of keys?
If P is the population on the first day of the year, B is the birth rate, and D is the death rate, the estimated population at the end of the year is given by the formula: The population growth rate is given by the formula: B – D Write a program that prompts the user to enter the starting population, birth and death rates, and n, the number of years. The program should then calculate and print the estimated population after n years. Your program must have at least the following functions: 1. growthRate: This function takes its parameters the birth and death rates, and it returns the population growth rate. 2. estimatedPopulation: This function takes its parameters the current population, population growth rate, and n, the number of years. It returns the estimated population after n years Your program should not accept a negative birth rate, negative death rate, or a population less than 2. please answer my question ....
You can ask about different vector functions. How to use in abinitio graph?
Can I vertically scale an amazon instance? How?
How does laravel handle assets?
Who is the father of os?
What is db facade?
What is the use of teradata system software?
What is component meta data?
Given an unsorted linked list, and without using a temporary buffer, write a method that will delete any duplicates from the linked list?
What are the Types of Scheduling triggers in TAC
What are the keywords that we use in cucumber scenario steps?
Explain what does dependency analysis mean in abinitio?