What is the use of actions in qtp tool?
How can I declare xml namespaces so that all elements and attributes are in their scope?
State the laws of thermodynamics and its importance of in mechanical engineering.
What is a workflow stage shape in sharepoint designer 2013?
What are the 5 fsmo roles in active directory?
What is the role of line manager?
What is the difference between a bpo and a call center?
What is pure oop?
What do you mean by a framework in auto ation?
How do you display the no. of records in a picklist (combo box/drop down) not the records in the pickapplet, in just 3 rows and not 5 rows(which is the default)?
What do you mean by dental caps or crowns?
How to configure hibernate second level cache using ehcache?
Why should I choose mosaic 21 applications for my erp solution?
How do I uninstall sql server 2014?
What is the incorrect operator form following list(== , <> , >= , <=) and what is the reason for the answer?