60-70 grade of Bitumen is VG-30 ?
What do you understand by functional requirements questionnaire (frq)?
How do you select one hyperlink after a slide in a presentation?
If offered the job, how long do you plan to stay at EOG?
Explain secured loans and unsecured loans.
What are the different views of slides in ms powerpoint?
What is the purpose of @emailvalidator?
How do I save a xml file?
How long will a train 100m long traveling at 72kmph take to overtake another train 200m long traveling at 54kmph?
What is singletonlist in java?
What's the difference between scripting and coding?
What is pct free/pct used/pct increase parameter in segment?
What is malloc return c?
Tell us what is ics?
How we can check if an element is empty or not using jquery?