What is ibm db2 client?
Why do we use web config?
What is the use of workflow in salesforce?
How to integrate Rational functional Tester with Rational Quality manager. Can anyone provide the details steps giving explaination with examples.
If the distance separating two charges is doubled, the force between them decreases by what multiple factor?
Can we catch more than one exception in a single catch block?
How do you prevent unauthorized access to deployed Generative AI models?
What is ejb and its properties?
please send me last 3 years question & solution
Why viewstate is not used in mvc?
How can you make sure that your singleton class will always return single instance in multi-threaded environment?
Can you call a private method outside a ruby class using its object?
What is sfdc?
Explain when do you use genbscript.exe?
Given an array of size n. It contains numbers in the range 1 to n. Each number is present at least once except for 2 numbers. Find the missing numbers.