Leading power factor means what? what is the power factor value while in power factor is leading? is power factor greater than one? In some cases i heard pf 0.8 leading then what about 0.8 lagging?
1 2048Post New Rockfort Engineering Interview Questions
What bill collectors can’t do while calling customers for debt collection?
are you applying for any other jobs?
List out some artifacts of biztalk server? : biztalk server
Is it more secure to use cookies to trfer session ids?
What does android 9 pie do?
What is bag data type in Pig?
Explain the importance of human factors engineering in cockpit design and ensuring pilot safety and comfort.
How can NPAs be reduced?
What are the steps to create a macro in ms word?
How do you handle compression in pig?
What is demand promissory note?
What is the relation between instance and ami?
What is Record Level Security?
Which accounting application you prefer most and why?
Why is sorter an active transformation?