main( )


static int a[ ] = {0,1,2,3,4};

int *p[ ] = {a,a+1,a+2,a+3,a+4};

int **ptr = p;


printf(“\n %d %d %d”, ptr-p, *ptr-a, **ptr);


printf(“\n %d %d %d”, ptr-p, *ptr-a, **ptr);


printf(“\n %d %d %d”, ptr-p, *ptr-a, **ptr);


printf(“\n %d %d %d”, ptr-p, *ptr-a, **ptr);


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main( ) { static int a[ ] = {0,1,2,3,4}; int *p[ ] = {a,a+1,a+2,a+3..

Answer / susie

Answer :






Let us consider the array and the two pointers with some address


100 102 104 106 108


1000 1002 1004 1006 1008



After execution of the instruction ptr++ value in ptr
becomes 1002, if scaling factor for integer is 2 bytes. Now
ptr – p is value in ptr – starting location of array p,
(1002 – 1000) / (scaling factor) = 1, *ptr – a = value at
address pointed by ptr – starting value of array a, 1002 has
a value 102 so the value is (102 – 100)/(scaling factor) =
1, **ptr is the value stored in the location pointed by
the pointer of ptr = value pointed by value pointed by 1002
= value pointed by 102 = 1. Hence the output of the firs
printf is 1, 1, 1.

After execution of *ptr++ increments value of the value in
ptr by scaling factor, so it becomes1004. Hence, the outputs
for the second printf are ptr – p = 2, *ptr – a = 2, **ptr = 2.

After execution of *++ptr increments value of the value in
ptr by scaling factor, so it becomes1004. Hence, the outputs
for the third printf are ptr – p = 3, *ptr – a = 3, **ptr = 3.

After execution of ++*ptr value in ptr remains the same, the
value pointed by the value is incremented by the scaling
factor. So the value in array p at location 1006 changes
from 106 10 108,. Hence, the outputs for the fourth printf
are ptr – p = 1006 – 1000 = 3, *ptr – a = 108 – 100 = 4,
**ptr = 4.

Is This Answer Correct ?    26 Yes 3 No

main( ) { static int a[ ] = {0,1,2,3,4}; int *p[ ] = {a,a+1,a+2,a+3..

Answer / rashmi

the logic given by u is wierd.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 8 No

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