what is Regresstion testing? when it will be needed?

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what is Regresstion testing? when it will be needed?..

Answer / suresh

Regression testing is nothing but executing the same test
cases on the different build.
it will be needed when an bug was fixed or when a new
functionality is added to existing functionality..

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what is Regresstion testing? when it will be needed?..

Answer / bishwajit.rk

I agree with Satya to some extend. To my view Regression
Testing is the process of retesting the application after a
defect is fixed, to check if due to this fixed, no other
problems is caused to its related features.
Lets take an example:
In our application, there are 10 features,
Lets consider, defects are fixed in Ft4 and Ft8. Now, to
run the regression, we have to check which features are
inter-related to the features Ft4 and Ft8, say Ft3 & Ft5
for Ft4 and Ft7 & Ft9 for Ft8. Once its identified, the
related testcase are identified from Ft3, Ft5, Ft7 and Ft9.
And these related testcases are used for running the

Regression Testing run whenever changes are made in the

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what is Regresstion testing? when it will be needed?..

Answer / murugesh kumar

regression testing is needed whenever new modules are added
to an existing old one.To check the functionalities whether
the addition of new one affects the functionality of the

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what is Regresstion testing? when it will be needed?..

Answer / satya_k21


Regression testing means after getting confirmation the bug
is fixed we going to check the fixation is going to create
any problems in the application or not..

It should be required if there are any change requests.
and if the number of bugs that are found the tester are

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what is Regresstion testing? when it will be needed?..

Answer / raji

Regression Testing:which test a system once again to ensure
that functions as expected as per the specifications or its

regression testing is done when new functionality added to
the existing funcionality.

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what is Regresstion testing? when it will be needed?..

Answer / nagk

we do Regression testing
1)when bug is found in one module after it fixed,we check
the fixed bug and other modules if it other are depend on
this fixed module

ex:-there a,b,c,d are four modules a is independent from
others and b and c are depend on each other,d also independent.
if we found bug in a we don't need to do regression but if
it is in c we check bug is fixed in c also because of
changing c if it has any effect on b this is called
regression testing

2)when new version software is released for existing one
with few extra features.Because of newly added features
previous functionlities may get effect.to check new features
and previous one.here new feature have to be test manually
and detailed but previous ones are done by automated tools

these is the main reason for existing of automated tools

am i right?

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what is Regresstion testing? when it will be needed?..

Answer / shakun garg

It is used to validate that existing functionality has not been affected due to changes or enhancement on build.
Whenever changes are going to be made on existing build tester has to follow regression testing as per quality standards.

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what is Regresstion testing? when it will be needed?..

Answer / sravani p

Regression Testing: To add new functionality (or) to modify an existing functionality (or) to resolved defects programmer change the code. these code change may introduce side effects. Regression testing finding these side effects

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what is Regresstion testing? when it will be needed?..

Answer / uday kumar. a

Hi Naresh, you are correct. But here we dont execute all
the test cases. We execute only the effected module test
cases or effected functionality.

It might be full dependent on the time.

If we have no time we will check only the issue(sometimes).

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what is Regresstion testing? when it will be needed?..

Answer / natraj

The selective retesting of a software system that has been
modified to ensure that any bugs have been fixed and that
no other previously working functions have failed as a
result of the reparations and that newly added features
have not created problems with previous versions of the

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